It's that time of year, when romance reigns supreme. Candlelit restaurant dinners, candy, cards, gifts, flowers. Endless expressions of love. However, what I most treasure as a gift, not just on Valentine's Day, but every day, is the gift of my beloved's presence.
by SincereLady
id: 10011793
12 Dec 2013
When couples first fall in love, it is the honeymoon of a new beginning. This is a time of magic and wonder. Hearts open. Spirits soar. In this phase of love, in this expansion of our souls, we may feel we have met our soulmate. Some say the honeymoon is like a spiritual experience. But many say the honeymoon does not last forever. So it becomes important to refine our thinking about soulmates, true love, and what constitutes a soulful relationship.
by SincereLady
id: 10011793
12 Dec 2013
Everybody of us at least once during life has heard about romantic story of St. Valentine, who was joining couples despite all difficulties. One legend contends that Valentine was a priest who served during the third century in Rome, another one insist on his living in forth century.
by HeartMaster
id: 10010154
12 Dec 2013
Each of us are familiar moments of elation, joy and happiness. No, it does not mean that the rest of the time we are unhappy. Simply, there are special moments that make your heart beat faster, we smile broadly and cause a desire to share his joy with the world. Surely everyone remembers those moments of his life.
id: 12765
12 Dec 2013
For a beautiful Ukrainian woman (like me:)), Valentine’s Day can be the best day of the year. I know that Western men sometimes feel that women take their romantic gestures for granted, but you can be sure that a Ukrainian beauty will always appreciate a Valentine’s Day gift. Whether it is flowers or candy or perfume or perhaps something a little more personal, Ukrainian women always appreciate being appreciated and are thrilled to repay the warmth of their lovers’ kindnesses with some special warmth of their own. True, February in the Ukraine can be bitterly cold but that doesn’t mean that the fires that burn within are any less hot...
id: 11823
12 Dec 2013
When we fall in love, the world around us is changing. Although it is correct to say that we are starting to look at it from another angle. We are experiencing strong feelings and emotions, I want to shout about his love, and your loved one is constantly harping on it and call it all sorts of affectionate words. And it seems that it will always be, the passions had not weakened, romantic surprises will be regular, and the silly happy smile will not fade away because of some silly little things.
id: 12765
12 Dec 2013
Names of many Ukrainian and Russian ladies are unknown to people who live abroad. Many of these ladies' names have an English variation, but some do not have any. Some of these variations have a softer, more personal attitude to the speaker. For example, any Russian name that ends with the suffix (ochka) implies a greater level of personal attitude – Oksana – OksanochkaJ (much more pleasant to hear).
by bright_sun
id: 10010718
12 Dec 2013
Everybody is wondering how to spend the great time with the second part of you heart, everybody are imagining some crazy things like to go hiking to the mountains with plenty of cargo on your shoulders, or visit some cousins on the other side of a world, driving the car and stop in some doubtful motels on a road…Why? Why you have to imagine all this unbeliever trips, if the simplest way to spend the day with your deeply loving person is to go on a simple picnic to the nearest park next to your house. So, in my opinion, that is a best idea, and I would like to give you couple of advises on it.
by Princess_of_Law
id: 10012785
12 Dec 2013
If you want to find out how to date a Ukrainian woman, the best person to ask would be a Ukrainian woman! Now I want to give you several hints and I will continue helping you in my next posts:) if you may have any questions you may ask me and I definitely will give you a proper answer:) Nice communication is a good way to be friends and maybe to learn something about each other…
by bright_sun
id: 10010718
12 Dec 2013
It's Valentine's Day soon! Love is in the air, it is all around and it is in your heart. You may have said the three magical words 'I Love You' a thousand times before. But on this special day, say it again… What is love for you? Let’s stop and listen to famous people then...
by bright_sun
id: 10010718
12 Dec 2013
On my work now everybody speak about coming holiday, we almost had a big dispute is it useful holiday or not? Men start telling that this holiday useful only for sellers of flowers and original was made just to get money for them, in it no romance at all and women should understand it...
by Pure_Love4U
id: 10010231
12 Dec 2013
Throughout his life, we have someone listen to their parents first, then friends, followed by the turn of heads and spouses. Psychological dependence has its origin in early childhood, when there is an urgent need for approval, and later it turns into a desire to conform to society. Blind desire not to enter into a confrontation with the environment can carry far more problems than the lack of personal opinion.
id: 12765
12 Dec 2013
Every February 14th, candy, flowers, and gifts are exchanged between loved ones, all in the name of St. Valentine. But who is this mysterious saint and why do we celebrate this holiday? I’ve found 2 different legends ... Enjoy!
id: 11823
12 Dec 2013
How often do we listen to criticism from the people around them? This criticism can be different: "bad" and "good" in the sense of a pleasant and enjoyable, fair and not fair, but it happens that someone begins to teach someone how to live and what to do. Every person who uttered the words in his address, perceives differently. Some listen, or go unheeded, and do not pay attention to it, while others take a very close to my heart, accept a bayonet charge, and angry stayut more aggressive.
id: 12765
12 Dec 2013
We've all heard "dumb blonde" jokes before, but let's not stereotype! Not all blondes are the same. Here are some examples of how blondes can react differently in different situations:
by Blond_Rose
id: 10011388
12 Dec 2013
Here has come the long awaited for all lovers holiday - Valentine's Day.
by IrresistableMe
id: 10010156
12 Dec 2013
One thing that never fails dating a Ukrainian woman is learning a couple of Ukrainian (Russian) phrases; it will give you a huge boost. You may not pronounce it correctly but she will be absolutely thrilled to hear you speaking Ukrainian (Russian), because there is much in common between these langugaes. It shows respect and genuine interest in her culture, and let me tell you, ALL Ukrianian people are extremely proud of their heritage. Ukraine is the country with a rich history and lots of cultural and scientific achievements, so if you show respect, you are scoring brownie points every time.
by bright_sun
id: 10010718
12 Dec 2013
The next thing in dating a Ukrainian woman, be an old-fashioned gentleman: open doors for her when she gets in or out of the car or a restaurant, open the door and let her go first, move her chair, take her coat or hold her coat for her to slip in, don't ever allow her to carry anything except her handbag, and so on. If you kiss her hand at the end of the first date or when you introduce yourself for the first time, she will think you are amazing. Just do it casually as if this was nothing special, don't fuss over it. In short, treat her like a fragile "lady", like you would be looking after your 90-year old grand-grandmother. She is not fragile and can totally take care of herself but she will love all the fuss (even if she says otherwise or something like, "You really shouldn't...") She still likes it and those little signs of attention will get you a long way...
by bright_sun
id: 10010718
12 Dec 2013
Dear friends, That is a known fact that every year, hundreds of Ukrainian women walk down the aisle to marry foreign men. Why? I am not sure but Ukrainian women are known to be fun, dedicated and lovely women, right? That is why foreign men pursue them and want to marry them. I have written already that most foreigners meet Ukrainian women via online dating sites. Often correspondence between the men with the Ukrainian women goes on for weeks or months before they agree to meet for the first time. There is no hard and fast rule on how long should the initial correspondence be before the first meeting. Generally though, this happens after 2 months of chatting, videoconferencing or emailing online...
id: 11823
12 Dec 2013
Dear Friends, Every Western man who looks for a wife from Ukraine has heard of this intercultural difference, namely: Ukrainian women expect that Western men pay everywhere and for everything. From time to time, I get messages from my readers who ask me why Ukrainian women always expect to be invited by men. The answer is this is the special character feature of our culture and mentality...
id: 11823
12 Dec 2013
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