Dear friends, I know I have not written about the culture of Ukraine for a long time. Please excuse me! I just have so many writing ideas about online dating and Ukrainian women that I often forget that you also want to know more about the mysterious culture of Ukraine (If you want to know something about what I have not written on my Ukrainian dating blog, please feel free to contact me )...
id: 11823
12 Dec 2013
Inner beauty is such a misnomer, if you give it a second consideration. What is inner beauty even supposed to mean anyway? Is it a kind of beauty that’s on the inside? So is that something we can never see, and only imagine?
id: 13511
12 Dec 2013
Dear friends, Being a proud and progressive woman from Ukraine can be a challenge, especially when so many misconceptions about the Ukraine continue to surface and be discussed. In fact, the top three myths about the Ukraine are actually as far from the real truth as possible. Life, and especially as a woman, in the Ukraine seems to be misunderstood and thus women in the Ukraine are not appreciated and neither is the country itself which is actually so much more than many have ever imagined...
id: 12332
12 Dec 2013
The 8th of March in Ukraine is often associated with spring. Ukrainian women especially think of this day as a sign that the spring is coming. Why? Because besides being the first spring celebration, this is International Women’s Day, the day when we women are specially treated just for being women. From the historical point of view, the 8th of March is important as the day of women’s solidarity in the struggle for their rights...
id: 12332
12 Dec 2013
"If you want anything said, ask a man. If you want something done, ask a woman." - Margaret Thatcher. According to this statement women are to be treated and honored not only on their special day - the 8th of March, but ALWAYS!!! And still... the holiday is very soon and I hope every man remebers about it!-;)
by bright_sun
id: 10010718
12 Dec 2013
Dear gentlemen! I want to raise here from one side banal, and from the other side very actual problem. Sex on the first date... They say, that men are not against it, but I do not know whether it is the truth... I am kidding, I know that this is the truth;) But another situation we have among women. We love to make things complicated, I know, and from all the women of our planet I want to apologize. I am not proud of such feature of our characters and try to fight with it in my behavior. Why I decided to raise this topic? Because recently I have met a very basic example of our behavior...
by _Euphoria_
id: 10010413
12 Dec 2013
Love is the most beautiful and wonderful feeling in the world. Sometimes this feeling is going through separation. Many people think that if the relationship at a distance, then they will fail. But it's not, it is not true. I think there are many ways to save this love from a distance. This is a test and check the strength of your feelings for each other.
by AngelAndDevil
id: 10013267
12 Dec 2013
We have all heard from childhood that laughter prolongs our lives And it's true. Personally, I smile always helps to elevate mood and help you ... you try
by AngelAndDevil
id: 10013267
12 Dec 2013
In the modern world everything is faster. People are used to get what they want in lesser time and in better quality. Human interaction is decreasing hand in hand with our social skills. This is what makes dating one of the biggest problems of the modern era. It begins with the great difficulty of meeting new people, in our small existence of school\office\home, it is hard to be exposed to novelties on a frequent basis. Even when you do come across new people, there is the indecision of how to interact with them on the initial level. Finally, after you got yourself a date, the hardest of it all is, of course, how to survive it successfully. Not only young people are frustrated about dating, but also the increase in divorce rates and the easiness of living overseas, creates growing circle of lonely single people who seek relationships and love...
by bright_sun
id: 10010718
12 Dec 2013
There is one famous quotation: “To be happy with a man, you must understand him a lot and love him a little”. Does it has sense? – Probably more yes, than no! A lot of women seeking for their men think so, but is only understanding enough for a happy marriage?
by Beauty_nastushka
id: 10010787
12 Dec 2013
Dreams ... each of us dreams about something ... think about how would be great if dreams come true! Believe me, as they are true! The main thing to set a dream as a goal and achieve it ... and this is what we dream about something, but the dream is coming true later than we would like ... and it does not cause us to have such fun. Our dreams can come true like this - is gray, humdrum, usually. Yes, we even can not see their performance.
by AngelAndDevil
id: 10013267
12 Dec 2013
Let’s face it, falling in love is giddily exciting but staying in love can be quite a pain. Find out how to stay in love forever by really understanding your relationship and your partner.
by Wild_Flame
id: 10014367
12 Dec 2013
Are you having the romantic life you have always wanted in your imagination? Welcome to the club that has many members who feel and live exactly the way you do! Romance is always simple and carefree when it is being acted out in our imaginations. We can come up with the most unbelievable and breathtaking ideas and play scenes that make the best romantic movies look amateur. The only catch to all this however, is that they are developed in our fantasies and stay there, without ever actually taking place in our real lives. Why is that? Why is it so easy for us to fantasize about the most amazing romances, but can never find such romances that really exist? Does it just not happen? Is there no such thing?..
by Little_Diamond_Ketty
id: 10012134
12 Dec 2013
The age difference is it good or not? ... It's not about age, the point is what kind of person. It happens that women who grow up without a father in the family, these women want to get from this man that she will not only be the very man with whom she had to hold his life, wants to be that this man was to her father that he had nursed with her as a daughter. A man who is older than his young love begins to feel younger.
by AngelAndDevil
id: 10013267
12 Dec 2013
Let's talk about Ukrainian girls! Why are they so beautiful? Even deep down!
id: 11823
12 Dec 2013
Most guys have their own way of how they attract women. It only needs some attempts to impress her in different ways.
by bright_sun
id: 10010718
12 Dec 2013
There are several simple things which Ukrainian ladies expect men to do, and you should be aware of them. Preparing to the meeting – make sure that you dress your best...
id: 12332
12 Dec 2013
Mixed signals from a guy or girl can be confusing and frustrating. Learn these tips on how to read mixed signals and make that person fall for you. Falling in love with someone is a happy feeling.
id: 13511
12 Dec 2013
The single most important thing you need to know is that Ukrainian girls are very idealistic. They are dreamers. Life is hard and dreams help to get through day-to-day challenges and disappointments. "Positive thinking" and "optimism" are the qualities that you will see in nearly any Ukrainian girl's profile online as the ones they are proud of possessing and want to see in their future partners.
by Blond_Rose
id: 10011388
12 Dec 2013
Did you see a movie “Autumn in New York”? I think almost each person has chance to see it. It is a story when young lady and older man created serious relations with real, strong feelings of mutual love and respect. Much has been written and even more debated about whether such unions make sense. Let’s try to understand what attracts the younger woman to the older man? And the older man to the younger woman?
by AngelAndDevil
id: 10013267
12 Dec 2013
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