Today, a day that is usually filled with joy, pride and a festive atmosphere, passes in Ukraine with completely different feelings. My name is Margarita and I would like to share my thoughts on how our country is celebrating Independence Day in the face of war and increased bombings.
id: 10035221
24 Aug 2023
-Technologies are always changing, and the only way to stay up to date is to read, watch and listen to new information. -Batteries offer cost savings compared to the now ubiquitous lithium-ion batteries. -The startup has created an ecological alternative to plastic, which is biodegradable in all types of environment without the need for human intervention
id: 10054362
24 Aug 2023
We are all constantly growing and developing, and one of the most exciting parts of this journey is striving to become the best version of ourselves. I would like to share with you some of the steps I am taking in this direction.
id: 10052788
23 Aug 2023
Hello dear readers! Today I want to tell you a story about how an ordinary girl from Ukraine fell in love with a beautiful man from another country and how they created a happy international family.
id: 10037854
23 Aug 2023
Love is a magical feeling that can move mountains and change our world. But how far can you go to support, protect, and protect your partner?
by HOPE✈️
id: 10046992
23 Aug 2023
In a world where technology and communication connect us more than ever, one would think that finding the right match would be easier. However, the reality turns out to be much more complicated. Finding a partner is a journey that is often challenging, but it also opens up many amazing opportunities for growth and self-discovery.
id: 10049596
23 Aug 2023
War is not only fear, destruction and loss. It is also a test of the strength of the human soul, its ability to maintain faith, hope and compassion even in the darkest times. But what is it like to live in a time of war, when the world turns into chaos, and faith in humanity disappears?
id: 10045063
23 Aug 2023
I want to talk about something incredibly important and exciting: kissing! And not just about them, but about kisses that turn into art, into real masterpieces of passion and tenderness.
id: 10053386
23 Aug 2023
how other people's opinions affect our lives, and even spoil it.
id: 10052366
23 Aug 2023
Many books and articles have been written about love and respect, and they all emphasize how important it is to have these two components of a relationship. In this blog I want to focus on the meaning of love and respect in a relationship between two people. Of course, these two qualities are the binding forces that make a true couple strong and stable.
id: 10050723
23 Aug 2023
There are many benefits to physical, psychological, and social well-being from playing sports in adulthood. Here are some of the main reasons why exercising as an adult is beneficial ✅✅✅
id: 10044389
23 Aug 2023
Neglect of healthy lifestyle habits. This can become a risky game for you with your mental and emotional well-being. Life cannot exist without water. We must constantly drink fresh water to keep our body in good condition and not be dehydrated. Water can be the cause of many common ailments, such as headaches, fatigue, joint pain and more.
id: 10054362
22 Aug 2023
I want to share with you my experience of raising a daughter in the absence of a father. In this blog, I want to talk about how we cope with this situation, about the difficulties and joys that we meet along the way.
id: 10042085
22 Aug 2023
Hi, today I want to share with you my passion and love for one of the most amazing creatures on the planet - cats. They are incredibly mysterious, independent and, of course, incredibly cute. One of the central characters in my life has been my irreplaceable friend and companion named Pepsi.
id: 10043175
22 Aug 2023
In close relationships, support is one of the elements that arguably determines how close you are. However, the form of support can vary, and in different situations, the same form can either provide support or diminish a partner's feelings.
id: 10053121
22 Aug 2023
I want to share with you something that is probably familiar to each of us - the expectations and excitement before the first date.
by Lovely Aliona
id: 10048836
22 Aug 2023
I want to talk about something that concerns each of us, regardless of age, gender and status - my night dreams.
id: 10053386
22 Aug 2023
This is quite common in today's world. But still, there is a thought or a stereotype that it is impossible, and just a waste of two people's time. But it became interesting for me to discuss this topic, especially since it will be very relevant here!
by Blonde💥Blast
id: 10054524
22 Aug 2023
Taking a shower and removing your make-up isn't all you and your body need to prepare yourself for sleep. But many do not even think about it, and do not know how it can affect the quality of your sleep. So let's talk about it!
by Мistress🔥
id: 10043518
22 Aug 2023
Love is the art of making compromises, listening sincerely and understanding, even if opinions differ. It is important to remember that each person is unique, with their own dreams, hopes and fears.
by Tooth Fairy
id: 10049724
22 Aug 2023
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