Father's Day in Ukraine is celebrated annually and its date is the third Sunday in June.
by ⭐️ALLURE☆
id: 10044831
20 Jun 2021
The date of the event is unique for each year. In 2021, this date is June 19
id: 10043632
19 Jun 2021
In the modern world, a successful person is a person with a broad outlook. We need to train the brain in a variety of ways that are available to us. Reading is best for this.
by JuicyDesire
id: 10045960
19 Jun 2021
A careful attitude towards things is a respectful attitude towards nature and the world. It also gives rise to a respectful attitude towards each other, the care and value of each person.
by JuicyDesire
id: 10045960
19 Jun 2021
A man and a Woman are different. It has always been so, and it is so now. What makes them look for each other in this world, to establish mutual relations, to find a "common language" with each other? Love? Sympathy? A habit? Or is this really the purpose of the two sexes, the two principles - female and male?
by ⭐️ALLURE☆
id: 10044831
19 Jun 2021
If you are a teacher, what made you go into teaching and what do you love about it?
by TooSexyToTeach
id: 10035045
19 Jun 2021
Have you ever had an affair with your teacher? How was it?
by TooSexyToTeach
id: 10035045
18 Jun 2021
In our society, there is a widespread opinion that a relationship without jealousy is not interesting and not real. In a normal modern couple, there must be a reasonable amount of jealousy, served in portions and with a certain frequency, which will warm up the fading feelings between a man and a woman, and add novelty and sharpness to them. Is it true?
by ⭐️ALLURE☆
id: 10044831
18 Jun 2021
I asked myself: What can constitute true, full-fledged Happiness in life? Family, husband, children, favorite job or hobby? And is there something even more important and meaningful? Thought ...
by Red BUNNY
id: 10046521
17 Jun 2021
Every day I am more and more convinced that it is better to be in a free voyage than to be with those who enter you into their visiting schedules or with those who remember from vital necessity, or when it’s boring ...
by Sweet DARIA
id: 10042494
17 Jun 2021
The seaside is beautiful at any time of the year. Whether there is snow or yellow sand on the shore. When a person is on the seashore, he is mentally resting, forgetting many problems.
id: 10046107
17 Jun 2021
Ukrainian women are focused on relationships and family creation. They would like to have a relationship and a family. For them, this is an important part of happiness in their lives. In Ukraine, they can not always find a suitable partner, so they also start looking abroad
by ⭐️ALLURE☆
id: 10044831
17 Jun 2021
To win the heart of a Ukrainian woman, it is very important to remember the cross-cultural differences, which is why I would like to inform you about them!
by ⭐️ALLURE☆
id: 10044831
16 Jun 2021
It's never too late to develop!
id: 10044353
16 Jun 2021
In this blog, I'm talking about people who are professionals in their field, and about my favorite cartoon.
id: 10046970
16 Jun 2021
It is believed that a woman with children from a previous marriage is less likely to have a new serious relationship. In fact, this is a myth - and here's why!
id: 10044570
15 Jun 2021
myths about a toned figure and what you need to do for this!
id: 10047646
15 Jun 2021
In this blog, I want to tell you what happiness is in a relationship and express my opinion about it!
by Strawberry🍓
id: 10045632
15 Jun 2021
How I became famous..
by Miss🔥Fame
id: 10035441
15 Jun 2021
At first I was afraid, and then I was glad)
by Ideal❤️
id: 10043479
15 Jun 2021
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