Today, environmental problems have become one of the most important problems of the world community, and often their solution is an indicator of the level of well-being not only of a single country, but of the world civilization as a whole.
id: 10043175
05 Jun 2021
We are taught from childhood to be modest: not to show off, not to show off, not to declare our claims. Why is this approach outdated, how can modesty negatively affect a person's future, lull their ambitions and bury their career?
by ⭐️ALLURE☆
id: 10044831
04 Jun 2021
A date is a joyful event, it is a taste of hope, joy and strength. Be yourself and a little tegritsa
id: 10043772
04 Jun 2021
What is the most embarrassing thing your parents have ever caught you doing?
by Andy
id: 10045801
03 Jun 2021
What do you need to know about lockdown and why do many people think it's a useless measure?
by ⭐️ALLURE☆
id: 10044831
03 Jun 2021
It is a pity that "swan fidelity" is very rare in the human world ...
id: 10043772
03 Jun 2021
About the right love for yourself and for others
by Wish⭕️Love
id: 10047366
02 Jun 2021
Is it true or not
id: 10047302
02 Jun 2021
I have often met people who said that-no, we never review old photos, they are lying somewhere there, there is-and okay.
by ⭐️ALLURE☆
id: 10044831
02 Jun 2021
Too often we have high hopes for a first date with someone we are interested in. But do we always achieve our goals? To make the first meeting easy and enjoyable for both parties, there are a few rules to follow.
id: 10044452
01 Jun 2021
To the question "What are you doing now?" You can answer: "Oshim haim" - "Enjoy life." I recently heard this expression for the first time. Literal translation: "we create life."
by Sexy LAWYER
id: 10047577
01 Jun 2021
As you know, each season definitely affects each person in its own way. The first summer day inspired me to write this article and I wondered what events happened on June 1st. And I want to share this with you)
by JuicyDesire
id: 10045960
01 Jun 2021
Neither duty, nor honor, nor morality binds one person to another. When a person wants to leave, he will leave home, and from children, and from a dying cripple. Until he wants to, he stays close.
by Long Legged
id: 10041112
01 Jun 2021
Every modern person lives in society and takes an active part in its activities. A person cannot live in isolation, he is constantly surrounded by relatives, coworkers, neighbors and many other people. It is they who form public opinion on any issue in a person's life, based on the principles and preferences of the majority.
by Мistress🔥
id: 10043518
01 Jun 2021
A friend of mine corresponded with a man for a year. A feeling arose. They are both in their fifties. And the man bought her a ticket, invited me to his sea. Rented her a separate apartment. Reasonable, practical, dignified. And, of course, I paid for the tickets. We met.
id: 10046478
01 Jun 2021
International Children's Day is, first of all, a reminder to adults of the need to respect children's rights to life, to freedom of opinion and religion, to education, recreation and leisure, to protection from physical and psychological violence, to protection from the exploitation of child labor as necessary conditions for the formation of a humane and just society.
id: 10043175
01 Jun 2021
Astrology as a hobby!
id: 10044353
01 Jun 2021
Do men now know what modern girls need in order for them to be happy? You need to be able to behave correctly with them! And how to do it right, you will find out now !
id: 10038543
01 Jun 2021
abaut the best morning
by NAT✌️
id: 10046106
01 Jun 2021
such a beautiful girl shouldn't be alone
id: 10047129
01 Jun 2021
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