All come here with definite own reasons but with the same goal - to find beloved second half! And the reasons can be different, however they include the echo of the past events, which happened to us and reflected on our present. And it's some life experience, sometimes, unfortunately, not rather pleasant, which makes us realize WHOM we want to meet and be with, WHAT relationship we want to create.
by wildkitten
id: 10020886
01 Jul 2015
Well, I read a lot of love stories and read a lot why people when start to live together start to hate each other, become enemies , marry, divorce, revenge each other and so on. I think all this possible to avoid if at the start of relations make some test for your partner...even not test but watch how he will behavior himself in relations.
by Sevasbaby
id: 10021491
22 Sep 2014
I want to raise here from one side banal, and from the other side very actual problem. Sex on the first date...
by NOTaBarbie
id: 10020558
10 Sep 2014
Emancipation is a fashionable word which means the equality of genders. There are more and more women in today’s society who are proud of their independence, earnings and goals they achieved. And without question being successful is very important but it would not be right for a woman to sacrifice everything for the sake of this success.
by ThaiDream
id: 10020561
10 Sep 2014
In your beloved all attractive-each turn of the head, each change of voice, laughing, coughing or groan, twitching his nose - all priceless and full of meaning! So we are have no ideal person,when we fall in love-you love everything in your person! Agree with that??But main you see just good qualities and not mentioned something bad and that is right, cause we are not ideal also)
by LoveManager
id: 10011785
10 Sep 2014
One period of my life I realized that my past and present relationship reminded twins , cause they developed the same scenario that was not ended with happy end. I felt at lost and listened to advice of my friend to go to psychologist. I was lucky to meet a talented specialist… And with her help I managed to realize that the problem why my relationship developed so bad was not because I met alike type of men, but because in all my relationship I followed the same model of behavior.
id: 14638
10 Sep 2014
All the girls talk about relationships ... lovey-dovey stuff, kisses, hugs ... Are you not tired of this tearful shit?
by _Euphoria_
id: 10010413
09 Sep 2014
There are a lot of people in our world!! They are different, have different color of skin, appearance, habits and character)) But there are two types of people which are different in soul condition.
by RealSugar
id: 10010168
08 Sep 2014
Multiple partner change due to personality characteristics and features of the circumstances, but not the nature of men and women. As you could imagine - it's different levels of the topic.
by RealLady
id: 10011101
07 Sep 2014
Recently I watched an interesting program, why men and women have quarrels?)
by RealSugar
id: 10010168
05 Sep 2014
Woman can attract a lot of men, she can flirt with a lot of men being married, but her heart and body will belong to only one man, man who could touch her heart and soul. Not be jealous your woman to another, I know some man don't like when she is wear nice sexy dresses, heels and cloth that tight well, please, we wear that for our man when we are in relations , we want our man always has desire!Be proud to have such woman in his life!!!
id: 14638
04 Sep 2014
I already wrote how find new LOVE, how not afraid be yourself and say what you feel, neither you can lost opportunity to say something and will regret all your life! But at last you are fall in love and that is mutual!! Seems you are happy and nothing will happen bad! But, love and relations this is work of BOTH!
by LoveManager
id: 10011785
03 Sep 2014
Love is all I sooooo need!!! Love is a light buried in the deepest place for the heart and sometimes only the deeper suffering can sink us to it!!!!!
by RealSugar
id: 10010168
03 Sep 2014
One famous lady from the Fashion world once said such words “As only woman is wearing high-heeled shoes, the happiness enters her life…It is a Law” I can not say about everyone, but I’m a strong believer in this law… What is more we women somehow unconsciously associate the process of finding a man for life with the process of choosing the shoes that suit us perfectly… Yeah it is true that often the process of finding “right shoes” can last a lifetime … How do we understand what shoes are for us?
by Devil
id: 10022794
02 Sep 2014
Well, all we had in past bad relations or have for this moment bad relations, that not bring happy. A lot of women and men now not satisfied her second half, quarrels, betrays , suspects, divorce , carve-up of property , kids suffer( if was in marriage) and enemies for rest life as result!
by LoveManager
id: 10011785
23 Aug 2014
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
by MissVictoria
id: 10012148
31 Dec 2013
Today many Western and European men seek Russian and Ukrainian women, and those men who have successfully married a Ukrainian woman seem happy and fulfilled. So what makes us unique? What makes us ideal brides and wives?
by Want_to_Love_you
id: 10015783
12 Dec 2013
Since early childhood a lot of girls are dreaming to find their Prince, fall in love with him and live with in love and happiness forever. But this dreaming fairy tale do not always come true. Because reality is more strict to women and a lot of them are considered the old maids in spite of the young soul and harmony in eyes...
by MissLorik
id: 10012207
12 Dec 2013
From time to time, jealousy visits everyone who have a relationship. How does this happen? You are afraid that your partner will find someone prettier, richer, more attractive - in general, better than you. Uncertainty - the key word of this condition. The most common type of jealousy is the jealousy of the past.
by MissVictoria
id: 10012148
12 Dec 2013
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