Again site amazed me by opportunity to find love for single ones from any address in the world! To be honest in the beginning I was sceptic but in time I realized that people really meet each other and create strong deeply relantioships. Distance - is no obstacle! Site, bravo! And thank you a lot for this try to make our dreams come true!
id: 10027815
18 Dec 2016
I just got back to visit my family for holidays from my man. And decide to visit my old agency, we all become good friends with them). I am already used to life in USA and of course many things was new for me.
by Special4Love
id: 10018563
18 Dec 2016
This ​post isn't going to be a list of facts, experinced during the life or some kind of tips collection from a woman, which have already been married for a couple times, but a set of thoughts and assumptions of a woman, who is really going to find a soulmate for life and marriage.
by BlueBlondie
id: 10035271
15 Dec 2016
I would love to talk about one interesting subject today, which is important to both: men and women. My subject is inner happiness and love to yourself.
by Annusualgirl
id: 10018134
14 Dec 2016
by BrightBlonde
id: 10035224
14 Dec 2016
How to fall in love a girl on a first date? Every man after the virtual communication with the girl dreams of a first date! He is looking forward to this meeting! He dream about it! He already figured in what place we will invite lady , what he would say and what he will order in a restaurant ! Well this awaited day is come! It seemed like all romantic, everything is fine....But the next day she did not answer the phone. And only a short sms from her -"I'm sorry I'm busy now and it is better to not meet again"
id: 10032342
12 Dec 2016
It is quality of Ukrainian woman.What they have to make you happy,to bring special light in your life,and what you must to know about them!
by TigressNat
id: 10022261
12 Dec 2016
One of the biggest fears of the lady look like this: lady wake up with her man after great date, turn to man to kiss him and tell Good morning, but he starts to screaming, asking for help, then just run away. lady see just his silhouette in the wall. scene.
by Luscioussss111
id: 10034859
10 Dec 2016
Hello, dear men! I would like to steal a little of your time! May I? I am one of the young women, who can BE and ARE STRONG! But the men do not appreciate it, they are afraid of such a power! Why???? I want you read my poem and express your thoughts about it...
by Berry_Love
id: 10030734
10 Dec 2016
How should you choose the right lady?? There are so many beautiful girls on the site. And every girl is attractive, intelligent, open-minded and family oriented!
by Milk-&-Honey
id: 10024950
06 Dec 2016
The first things which we see in the morning is our reflection in the mirror. We all are so different. For woman its very important to like this reflection, to find herself attractive and desirable. Maybe that’s why we – women are spending so much time at our mirrors? But more than that we want our men to love us, to look at us and to like what they see. Am I right, dear gentlemen?
by NataLady-S
id: 10030746
06 Dec 2016
Dear men, I am sure you often hear one question here. It may be the most popular question to ask: Why are you looking for Ukrainian women here? What is the wrong with Western (American, German, French etc) women?
by Viktorishine
id: 10034672
06 Dec 2016
I am wishing to everyone to find their love on here and want to thank the administration of the site for the great work they make every day!
by BabyAngel
id: 10028018
06 Dec 2016
What is love? This question was asked at all times, all without exception, if not out loud, then mentally, to yourself. Maybe someone of you can say that the answer to this question, as he loved or loves, he describes his feelings and everything will be all immediately clear. Not quite right.
by Tiny_Hot
id: 10026794
06 Dec 2016
Some people accept naked woman’s body as vulgarity. I think, that a man will admire the beauty of it. The beauty of the female body serves as a source of inspiration for painters, sculptors and architects. How many women dream to have a nice body shape??!!! The ideal of feminine beauty in different times and in different societies was various. I think that even a big body woman can create sexual fantasies in a man. Everything depends on her inner sexuality.
by Blond Angel
id: 10030718
06 Dec 2016
by Dreaming Beauty
id: 10029008
06 Dec 2016
Your contribution is priceless and it is impossible to express by words .That's why I came up with an idea and I hope that all the members of the site will support my idea.So I will tell in more details now.
by Kate_Star
id: 10023315
05 Dec 2016
Studiying at the designer faculty, I often stare at some things not so conspicuous. I began to notice the beauty even in prosaic - at first glance - things. On the beauty of the architecture, the beauty of nature in the flowerbeds with colorful flowers in fiery sunsets... This prompted me to think of what is better: the natural beauty or artificial, created with silicone or skillful retouching?
by StarSports
id: 10034306
05 Dec 2016
A lot has been written about the relationship between man and woman. Many article in fashion magazines and in books about the psychology of relationships try to set up points. A lot, but in real life it's all practically applicable.
by BestChoise
id: 10033420
03 Dec 2016
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