What men really want. Moreover, specifically what men really want in a relationship is a construct that has many people puzzled. It is a question that for the longest duration of time, has been a major talking point. A touch on the subject will have the following common elements:
by StarLady_Lera
id: 10011020
12 Dec 2013
How to avoid common arguments by better understanding how men and women communicate. Many arguments between couples stem from simple misunderstandings based on different communication styles. For example, women often want to vent, and a man will often misinterpret this by thinking he's meant to find a solution. Likewise, women sometimes misinterpret what it means when a man says nothing at all. Often, men need to work through a problem in silence, and women can misread his actions to mean he simply does not want to talk to her. Are Gender Differences A Myth? Better understanding how men and women think and speak can help us have better-functioning relationships. Here we've asked three YourTango Experts to sound in on some of the most common misunderstandings between men and women, and what we really hear when the opposite sex talks. Men Ask, Women Hint Men are socialized to make direct requests, while women are socialized to put others' needs above their own. How does this play out in relationships? Women often expect men to read their minds and know what they want without actually telling them. If women can ease into asking for what they want instead of leaving their guy to guess, they'll get much more of it with no mind-reading necessary. For Women, It's In The Details When she says, "Do you remember that sweater I wore on our second date?" He hears her say, "If you cared, you'd remember!" Women have an amazing memory for details, and they're more sentimental than men. Women should keep in mind that men don't remember details as well because of differences in how they process information, not because they don't care. Problems: Listening Vs. Solving When a woman has a problem, a man offers solutions. Often, she's simply looking for understanding and validation. And a woman tends to give men what she'd want: a shoulder to cry on, which is often the last thing he wants. As a rule of thumb: men should offer women compassion first and then help, and women should offer men help first and then compassion. Men Compartmentalize, Women think "big picture" Women and men don't think the same way—maybe you've noticed. Men compartmentalize, mentally and emotionally separating work, relationships, etc. Women think "big picture," connecting all the aspects of their lives. For women, when he seamlessly switches gears from your serious conversation to the football game, it's not that he doesn't care about the conversation. For men, it's good to remember that her brooding over things and bringing up the past doesn't mean she's trying to nag. It's just the way her mind works—connecting one event to another.
by Elizaveta_bride
id: 10013765
12 Dec 2013
OK, so did you already see me?;)
12 Dec 2013
Long distance relationship means you are living together since years by developing a relationship of respect, care, mutual cooperation, compromise and romance. So just observe your relation if you find all these qualities in your relationship than you are lucky and loyal. Because there is nothing important than a sincere relationship and sincere partner, so carry on your relationship and save it by caring the emotions of each other. If you haven’t any relationship or have un-sincere or broken relationship than don’t lose heart, below I’ll describe some affective long distance relationship tips and I’m sure by applying these tips you will get a strong and romantic long distance relationship.
by StarLady_Lera
id: 10011020
12 Dec 2013
Well we know that sincerity is the first step to build a strong love relationship, everyone need a sincere partner to live happily. It is not all, a sincere partner will help you to get every charm of world even you have all the facilities or not. Just try to be sincere with your partner because when you choose a luckiest and special one to spend your life happily then you has to take care of her feelings because don’t even try to play with every ones feelings because this will spoil the life of your partner.
by Tender_cat_Tanya
id: 10012742
12 Dec 2013
Here is a biggest problem among the personalities who are in love relationship they ever fall in love with each other and then they start hating things which they don’t know best or which they want to avoid, so that’s why they get to spoil their relation for some instance. Here I will illustrate some ways to know that your partner love you are not or if he loves you then it is the true feelings or he is just flirting with you. But no one flirt with someone if the other person never understands the feelings of the desired person.
by StarLady_Lera
id: 10011020
12 Dec 2013
I was thinking several times what can make us happy and what is so special canbe in our life...Honeslt to say there are not so a lot of things so special if you are alone...and even when you are together, but not "working" for your happiness then everythign seems too simple and empty...
by TanderKate
id: 10010592
12 Dec 2013
This summer I have visited marble cave in Crimea. It's so beautiful inside and it feels like a dream))))) I would like to tell you about this cave!
by StarLady_Lera
id: 10011020
12 Dec 2013
You want to travel to Ukraine and don’t know how to spend your holidays in the best way? Travel to Crimea!
by StarLady_Lera
id: 10011020
12 Dec 2013
Even don’t know how to start… If you are on this site then probably you are looking for a beloved lady and have seen a lot of lady’s profiles here.
12 Dec 2013
There is only one happiness in life: to love and be loved. George Sand
12 Dec 2013
‘Love comes when manipulation stops; when you think more about the other person than about his or her reactions to you; when you dare to reveal yourself fully and when you dare to be vulnerable.’ Joyce Brothers
by Tenderly_Simple
id: 10011026
12 Dec 2013
Our life isn't constant – every day is a big surprise for us. I'm sure you've noticed that nothing stand still, and its amazing! And it is not only about weather, people and world around us. Its about US!..
12 Dec 2013
Do you believe love should have a happy ending? Romantic comedies have a lot more going for them when it comes to what we seek as human beings. Tragic love just leaves us sad and empty.
by Tenderly_Simple
id: 10011026
12 Dec 2013
Love is the feeling given us from above. This is the only feeling that can satisfy any person mentally and phisically...
12 Dec 2013
Giving the right compliment can improve someone's opinion of herself and make her day. It can also make someone self-conscious, suspicious and even resentful. Understanding when and how to make a compliment gives you the ability to affect a person's self-image. If you take the time to learn this skill, it will make a positive difference in any relationship you have.
by StarLady_Lera
id: 10011020
12 Dec 2013
My imagination about my future husband is very colorful. I am dreaming about kind, gentle and self-assured man, who is able to love me with whole his heart and to be next to me my whole life.
12 Dec 2013
I’ve always been wary by statement “friendly sex”. It seems that it is steeped in hypocrisy and understatement. Friendship and sex - are they compatible? All depends from how to think about its meaning...
12 Dec 2013
Okey, now is 2:03 and I know that tomorrow I have to get up very early /may be even better to say already today/, but I can't stop thinking, I can't stop imagine...
12 Dec 2013
Dear gentlmen. today I want to make make a little advice for you. And it will about women. How to listen them.
by TanderKate
id: 10010592
12 Dec 2013
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