The impression is that a girl who has serious intentions at this site,who is ready to changes,who speaks English etc,is put under such conditions that she has to scream about her readiness ,write endless amount of letters just to attract at least the attention of a man....
by lovely_KATTY
id: 10028081
21 Nov 2016
Feminism kills our relations What does feminism mean? It is fighting for equality in policy, a latitude of thoughts and opinion for women. First of all, it is wish to become superwoman. And what should men do in this situation?
id: 10034283
21 Nov 2016
My greetings to all ladies and gentlemen! I hope that your search is going well! I’d like to share my thoughts with you about some of the common issues that lead to misunderstanding between men and women.
by CutieAnnie
id: 10035076
16 Nov 2016
by _just_perfect_me_
id: 10029791
16 Nov 2016
In our modern world, many women want financial independence from men. They want to be as strong. From an early age we dream of beautiful dresses, jewelry and the best dream about our perfect beautiful wedding.
by Darina27
id: 10034193
16 Nov 2016
I think all of us during our life can be asked such questions. What do you like more – to get presents or to give? Are you a giver or a taker? What is your priority – to love or be loved? To my mind, this is a silly question.
by Sexy Interpreter
id: 10026147
16 Nov 2016
by 🔥WoW💥
id: 10033092
16 Nov 2016
Wish a great day to everyone who may be reading this blog. Some years ago I started to be interested in pole dancing and since that time, I have heard a lot of bad things about this kind of sport. I am often asked the question – Oh, this is striptease, right? Only recently I have managed to attend on the of the trainings and see it all for myself.
by Sexy Interpreter
id: 10026147
16 Nov 2016
You know I used to think that my age is my benefit, I was sure that my energy will change the world. But here in the Post Soviet space I constantly face the fact that I am too young to have a good job, too young to be mature and understand my needs, and finally – too young to fall in love and get married.
by Demoness_
id: 10035095
15 Nov 2016
by _just_perfect_me_
id: 10029791
15 Nov 2016
I have noticed a lot of men who already has kids,some live with them ,some do not live together but still take care for their kids in a distance,anyway those man know how amazing it is to have kids and this blog is for them.
by X_Tigress_X
id: 10025000
15 Nov 2016
by Angel_Sofi
id: 10035023
15 Nov 2016
All those who come to this site and search for their husband/wife, should realize that there will be some obstacles on the way to happiness. It is only half the work to find a person who you really like. The next step is to meet him or her, and that’s the moment when you realize that you neither of you speak each other’s language. Surely you can meet with an interpreter a few times, but then what? You cannot live with this interpreter for the rest of your life, right?
by Sexy Interpreter
id: 10026147
13 Nov 2016
Now I increasingly wonder why people who love each other break up. More and more often I hear displeased comments about their halves. I have begun to wonder, why we make a choice a partner, and then regret it. What do women want? It seems to me that we ourselves do not understand what we want.
by *Viktoriya*
id: 10035038
13 Nov 2016
You know, something came to my mind today… It is about the main thing in relationships between women and men. I remember that I read it in the Bible. “Likewise, wives, be subject to your own husbands, so that even if some do not obey the word, they may be won without a word by the conduct of their wives, when they see your respectful and pure conduct.” “Likewise, husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way, showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel, since they are heirs with you of the grace of life, so that your prayers may not be hindered.” Even if you are not religious, I think these words are truthful.
by Sexy Interpreter
id: 10026147
13 Nov 2016
Every woman looking for happiness in a man!!!I know that many men disappointed is already with women in his life !!But don't compare everyone to everyone!!Everyone is different !!! As every person wants to love and be loved .And for this we need to start to trust people and not be afraid to cost a new relationship!!!
by Panther of passion
id: 10034965
13 Nov 2016
Love or money ??? This is the problem of current generation . Many young girls believe that money is the most important thing in life. They didn't work ever in their life, they didnt know price of money. Of course, in our time, with no money can not survive. But tell me, how nice to fall asleep in an embrace with a purse rather than with the beloved ???
by Darina27
id: 10034193
13 Nov 2016
Engagements aren't an achievement. Engagements are a grown-up decision made between two people who have discussed their relationship and decided that, hey, they're clearly better together than not, so why not make it official?
by Tettie
id: 10034912
11 Nov 2016
What are your fears? Of course to make relations with a lady who has kids it is always a bigger responsibility.A man should not only win her love and trust but also to find a common language with her child.
by X_Tigress_X
id: 10025000
11 Nov 2016
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