The family is the main element of society. Therefore, it is not surprising that there is a holiday dedicated to families. It is celebrated in many countries around the world. May 15 will be 3 holidays - family day, science day and Europe day for Ukraine!
id: 10044570
13 May 2021
Are long-distance relationships capable of lasting, or are they inherently doomed to failure? How do I save and maintain them?
id: 10046004
13 May 2021
A couple of centuries ago, men were more romantic. What letters they wrote to their lovers and wives! Can messages in Viber or Telegram compare with them?
by ❤LIDIA❤
id: 10047543
13 May 2021
Love is one of the most mysterious and powerful forces in the universe. Distance and time now and then try to destroy her, but love does not disappear anywhere. We love our friends, partners, spouses and family members, regardless of how much time we have spent together and how far away they live.
by LadyArtemis
id: 10045116
13 May 2021
You may not like the answers. But without this, you will not be able to develop as a person.
by ⭐️ALLURE☆
id: 10044831
13 May 2021
I want to show that love is a whole world that shows itself from two sides. Each person is someone to love or someone loved !!! But how can you fall in love with someone with whom it will be so easy to live your whole life?
id: 10044703
12 May 2021
My impressions of registration on the Fine Bright website and about men. And of course my goal is to be here😉
by Love💞Fortune
id: 10047586
12 May 2021
Perhaps you will learn something interesting here!
by ⭐️ALLURE☆
id: 10044831
12 May 2021
The smell after the rain is pleasant to the absolute majority of people, but few people know that this specific scent has its own name - petrikor.
by LadyArtemis
id: 10045116
12 May 2021
If you feel that "my strength is no longer there", a few simple tips will help you to cheer up and recharge your energy.
by ⭐️ALLURE☆
id: 10044831
12 May 2021
There comes a time in every person's life when they realize that they still can't and don't want to live. Increasingly, there is a feeling that you are standing still and not moving anywhere, nothing significant is happening in life, and the achievements are doubtful and scanty.
by ⭐️ALLURE☆
id: 10044831
12 May 2021
There is one old and very harmful belief that a man should take the initiative. Should be the first to call, the first to call on a date, the first to kiss.
id: 10046685
12 May 2021
Recently it was World Mother's Day and I would really like to speak on this matter.
id: 10046107
12 May 2021
What happens when a person meets the mid-life in a crisis state...
id: 10045866
11 May 2021
Can we make a joint film?
id: 10044353
11 May 2021
The answer to this question, thanks to one famous writer, most of us will give without hesitation: three years.
id: 10045327
11 May 2021
Beautiful women don't cry. Is this true or myth?✨
id: 10043881
11 May 2021
It is quite normal to come to the aid of a loved one if they find themselves in a difficult situation. But empathy and attention are very different things, but in life they cannot exist in their pure form.
by ⭐️ALLURE☆
id: 10044831
11 May 2021
Tips for women and men
id: 10047147
11 May 2021
Probably many people have never noticed how different the logic of men and women is, how different their views on things are. And I will not say that someone is more right and someone is less right. I suggest we look into this.
by 💖SIREN💖
id: 10045834
11 May 2021
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