The search for the perfect husband is eternal. Therefore, the questions of what an ideal husband should be, what are his qualities, what character traits he should possess, continue to occupy the minds of many women.
id: 10046598
23 May 2021
Why do first relationships usually fall apart? What stages are most often waiting for us on the way to real, mature love?
by ⭐️ALLURE☆
id: 10044831
22 May 2021
Love cannot be confused with anything, like falling in love. But these are two fundamentally different feelings. You can talk about love for a very long time. The main signs that you truly love are:
by LadyArtemis
id: 10045116
22 May 2021
Why you're not perfect, why I'm not perfect, and why you don't have to be perfect. You'll find out by reading my blog.
by ❄️Crystal
id: 10045703
21 May 2021
A wreath for a Ukrainian girl was a symbol of maiden honor, girlhood, he protected her from the "evil eye", from "evil spirits." In the summer, a wreath was woven from fresh flowers: cornflowers, poppies, daisies, marigolds. The wreath is also a symbol of eternal love, a symbol of the infinity of your kind. Wreaths were left on trees and attics from lightning, put under the first sheaf to increase the next harvest, put hens in the nest, in the cradle of a newborn, hid under clothes from witches, hung in the fields and vegetable gardens. Girls washed themselves with water from a wet wreath for beauty and health.
by LadyArtemis
id: 10045116
21 May 2021
To set goals, achieve them, be successful and harmonious, you need to clearly understand what you want. But it only sounds easy and natural. But in fact, many people do not know what they need, can not understand themselves and do not understand what to strive for.
by ⭐️ALLURE☆
id: 10044831
21 May 2021
Many people perceive love as an external force. It "pierces us like an arrow" or "engulfs us like the elements". It seems that nothing depends on us and we are doomed to repeat the same mistakes over and over again. However, this belief prevents you from seeing your actions from the outside and changing something for the better.
by ⭐️ALLURE☆
id: 10044831
20 May 2021
It is convenient to think in stereotypes, but this leads to intolerance, hostility and missed opportunities.
by ⭐️ALLURE☆
id: 10044831
20 May 2021
Confidence in your own attractiveness and the feeling of being loved are the main secrets of youth and beauty of every woman.
id: 10045911
19 May 2021
Every third Thursday in May, Ukraine celebrates Vyshyvanka Day - a holiday designed to preserve national traditions and culture through the popularization of one of the most famous symbols of the Ukrainian national costume - vyshyvanka.
id: 10044570
19 May 2021
the teacher's life as it is, pleasant adventures, or still strict control?
by ✨KITTY❤️
id: 10043768
19 May 2021
do you know that this statement exists for a reason?:)
by Maria✨
id: 10044485
19 May 2021
The universe gives us a chance!
id: 10044353
19 May 2021
Honest conversations about the future together are the basis of a calm and pleasant relationship.
by ⭐️ALLURE☆
id: 10044831
19 May 2021
Once upon a time, there was an island on Earth where all spiritual values ​​lived. But one day they noticed how the island began to sink under the water. All the valuables boarded their ships and sailed away. Only Love remained on the island.
by LadyArtemis
id: 10045116
19 May 2021
Women have almost no leverage in the family, but they are forced to solve complex issues that no one else wants to deal with.
by ⭐️ALLURE☆
id: 10044831
18 May 2021
How you can surprise and delight a woman
by Love💞Fortune
id: 10047586
18 May 2021
I'll tell you why you need to marry in Ukraine
id: 10047749
18 May 2021
Ukrainian women are incredibly beautiful and devoted wives.
by 🔥JUICY🔥
id: 10045476
18 May 2021
Why is there so little reciprocity in our world? This is normal?😮
id: 10043881
18 May 2021
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