I want to tell you in this story that you will not read about love in more than one book or magazine. How to find love? Or what is love? Yes, in books they write beautifully about love, but in life everything is different!
id: 10044703
18 May 2021
Difficulties in finding real love, when you are soon 50 years old, this is not a joke at all, I do not want to be left alone in old age, I want a loved one next to me
id: 10045741
17 May 2021
The search for love after a while changes a lot, after 35 it is very difficult to find love, I really hope that I will succeed in all this, because we live in a modern world where there is an Internet
id: 10039722
17 May 2021
Before you answer "yes" to the long-awaited request for marriage, ask yourself a few simple questions — and try to answer them very honestly.
id: 10046598
17 May 2021
Joy, anger, infatuation, we all know those emotions. But there is a hidden gem there that I want to talk about...
id: 10041600
17 May 2021
Stunning appearance or the ability to cook and bake pies? Career achievements or off-scale IQ?❤️
id: 10047302
17 May 2021
This is a kind of road map that will help you cope with stress, not to fall into despair and not to lose control if problems pile up. Such a plan should be created by you and specifically for you, taking into account your characteristics.
by ⭐️ALLURE☆
id: 10044831
17 May 2021
Change the angle of view to see yourself in a new way.
by ⭐️ALLURE☆
id: 10044831
17 May 2021
I am in love with life and I feel free. It's a wonderful feeling of freedom. Look how in love with life I am! Look quickly!
by ❄️Crystal
id: 10045703
17 May 2021
I think in life, relationships should be seen as a house with a courtyard... I'll explain how it is)
id: 10038069
17 May 2021
Ice cream is the symbol of youth of love,life itself!
by KissKiss
id: 10046999
17 May 2021
As a teenager, my mother always made me read because of this, I read all the parts of "Crime and Punishment" and so on.
id: 10032052
17 May 2021
Making plans, dreaming are a kind of therapy that helps to survive, recover and gain a pep.
by Brownie
id: 10037539
17 May 2021
Where is the most romantic place on Earth? Where you can forget about the hustle and bustle and just be together ❤️❤️❤️
id: 10038543
17 May 2021
Have you always thought of traveling as a kind of lazy vacation after months of hard work? But it's much more than that. Travel is a lifestyle, and it offers many benefits that are hard to deny. If you want to know why people travel, and why you should travel too, read my article on the 10 benefits of traveling the world!
id: 10045771
17 May 2021
How important is romance in a relationship for women?
id: 10045501
17 May 2021
In general, romance is gradually disappearing from our life. Yesterday at a slow pace, and now at a full gallop. Times of breakneck speeds and endless survival. Is it up to romance here?-yes!
by Miss_GLAMOR
id: 10045780
17 May 2021
can you love me because of my appearance and inner world?
id: 10047129
17 May 2021
It's no secret that a woman has always and at all times been considered the embodiment of beauty, charm, charm, tenderness, etc. Poems, songs were dedicated and dedicated to the woman, they personify her with the deity of good and reconciliation.
id: 10043712
17 May 2021
If you are thinking about what kind of date to invite me or any lady of your heart, then here you will find dating ideas that can satisfy the romantic heart of every woman!
id: 10047498
17 May 2021
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