What do you think is the right thing to do? What do you think about it? I've never seen anything like this before...
by Reality✨
id: 10047444
29 Apr 2021
Important decisions are not easy for anyone. But it also happens that you need to make a simple choice at first glance, and you doubt every step. However, there are several life hacks that make the difficult selection process a little easier and help to eliminate some of the doubts.
by ⭐️ALLURE☆
id: 10044831
28 Apr 2021
in order for mutual love to arise, bringing joy and satisfaction, it is necessary to have three factors
by ⭐️ALLURE☆
id: 10044831
28 Apr 2021
heart on the way
id: 10044475
27 Apr 2021
I have always had the understanding that God prepared one person for another, something like two halves of one apple. And so, my theory expanded. As you know, God is a free person, and since He created man with free will, He will never force anyone to choose.
id: 10046530
27 Apr 2021
Each person keeps his own image of love and ideal relationships. As a rule, such images are born from books and films, from the example of their family and loved ones. All this forms its own, individual concept of love for which we strive, and which we wish to find and feel.
by Kit Kate Cat
id: 10042295
27 Apr 2021
I want to tell a story that happened to me that week. It was just an ordinary Sunday, as usual, according to tradition, I went for a walk with my friends (I do this every Sunday, since I have one day off)
id: 10044353
27 Apr 2021
Everyone dreams of a happy family, but what does he really want to get?
id: 10045315
27 Apr 2021
The Universe will tell us !!!!!
by ✨KITTY❤️
id: 10043768
27 Apr 2021
Sweet and sensual with an expressive figure, attractive shapes, a sweet smile and deep hazel eyes! Isn't that every man's dream?
id: 10046478
27 Apr 2021
Do you want to know all the secrets of a girl at once? Do you want to know everything at once? Do you want to understand that this is the one?
id: 10043485
27 Apr 2021
From your actions and choices at the present moment, some subsequent probabilities of the future are formed.
id: 10043175
27 Apr 2021
dispel the myths about the preferences of women and men
by Maria✨
id: 10044485
27 Apr 2021
What self-development consists of
by HOPE✈️
id: 10046992
27 Apr 2021
No, we are not getting old ... With each inhalation and exhalation we simply experience one moment more ... at one glance ... movement, smile, sigh, touch, kiss ..
id: 10043477
27 Apr 2021
Why is everyone so afraid to travel during the virus?
id: 10043422
27 Apr 2021
This is a story from one of my friends, how she went to the sea and found herself in a very difficult position. This is vital and can happen to anyone.
id: 10044703
27 Apr 2021
Easter is the holiday that is customary to spend in the circle of loved ones. They sit down at the festive table immediately after the church service. Ukrainians have such a belief that it is on Easter that the sun rises, plays, dances over the horizon and rejoices with the whole world
id: 10043765
27 Apr 2021
There are some myths and stereotypes about women ... Let me try to resolve them ??
id: 10047498
27 Apr 2021
id: 10044426
26 Apr 2021
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