My reflections on how carefully and reverently you need to treat the world around us
by ✨WisheS✨
id: 10046517
27 Jan 2021
I love the sea! The sea is beautiful) At sea, I feel free...It's an indescribable feeling.The sea is my soul.
id: 10046683
27 Jan 2021
The family is a small country that has its own laws, market relations, love affairs, patriotism and, most importantly, the desire of all family members to be extremely sincere with each other.
id: 10045315
27 Jan 2021
Finding a partner is natural for any person, regardless of race, age and social status. Our desire to be happy and loved remains unchanged, but the search methods have undergone some changes.
id: 10046618
27 Jan 2021
Full moon. I'm drunk. Drunk by You.
by Ideal❤️
id: 10043479
27 Jan 2021
I live a strange life. No, outwardly everything is in order - I look at the level, I do not stand out from the crowd, I go to work. And everything is fine at work. I am even grateful for my work, it distracts me, keeps me in good shape. In a word, from 9 am to 6 pm I am a normal person.
id: 10042400
26 Jan 2021
Do you believe that somewhere in this world there is your ideal partner, your soul mate? Yes, it exists, but not quite where you think it is. It is your own soul! But when you forget about this simple truth, you go in search of this kindred spirit and in this impulse look under every gray cobblestone on the road - no matter how unsightly and uncouth it may be!
id: 10046748
26 Jan 2021
A mature woman differs from a girl in that she accepts many things as they are. He just sees, hears, and then lets go. Not trying to do something about it. She does not pretend that she hears, but really hears, allowing herself to be touched to the depths and simply lives her feelings.
id: 10043174
26 Jan 2021
A lot of things have gone downhill, but we can fix it if we want to.
id: 10045511
26 Jan 2021
Although we live in the 21st century, the passion around this topic does not subside. I think if everyone did what he loves regardless of gender would be much more interesting in life.
by Silence⚠️
id: 10045272
26 Jan 2021
My opinion is that girls are the flowers of life, I want all our girls in this world to be the most beautiful. Beauty will save the world)))
id: 10043811
26 Jan 2021
A dog is a reliable and loyal friend of a person. A huge percentage of people prefer to have them as opposed to, for example, cats. If the decision to get a puppy is well thought out, the following question arises: which breed to choose?
id: 10046615
26 Jan 2021
The famous writer of all times and peoples Leo Tolstoy wrote: "All happy families are alike, every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way."
id: 10045882
26 Jan 2021
Short cold days, little sun, little walks and this epidemic can all cause seasonal depression. People start to eat more and many become overweight, which is also a cause of depression. But!
id: 10046168
26 Jan 2021
The joy of shaking hands when one hand asks: "Do you love me?" - and the other hand answers: "Yes, I love you."
id: 10041048
26 Jan 2021
Hello! I want to share with you several ways how to cheer up if nothing works at all. Hope these methods help you) So let's go:
by LadyArtemis
id: 10045116
26 Jan 2021
I finally became a living person. Allowed myself to be wrong, afraid and be sad when I feel sad.
id: 10029334
26 Jan 2021
in any case, I am sure that there is not a single important reason to live alone and not be able to even consult and get support.
id: 10037815
26 Jan 2021
I wish everything was like in the movies....
id: 10045511
26 Jan 2021
Many are losing their jobs due to the pandemic, but people always need food, water and housing. After reading my blog, you may change your opinion about women and their opportunities!
id: 10043174
26 Jan 2021
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