Today I would like to observe very interesting topic ,as the saying goes, to lay all cards on the table.
by WinMyHeart
id: 10030622
21 Apr 2017
I hear that questions so often: “Why so young woman wants to be with older man???
by Virgin_Baby
id: 10034356
20 Apr 2017
Today I want to talk about finding the second half. Or rather, in whom are we interested more? To whom we are more attracted ?? To opposites or like us people?
id: 10034366
20 Apr 2017
I am divorced woman in her early fifties. The details of my divorce aren’t really important. We got married, we had kid, we grew apart. We have been divorced for 12 years and although it saddens me that my family has been broken apart, I am happy that my ex and I have managed to be civil enough to make it okay for the kid.
by Lena
id: 10036170
18 Apr 2017
I know that at this moment, my city is not the most suitable place for reflection, still, in the period of sleepless nights, when the loud sounds of danger do not allow me to dive into a quiet and sweet dream, I think that people want different and at the same time identical things.
by _Romantic_Muse_
id: 10028860
18 Apr 2017
What are things you cannot imagine your life? What are things you passionate about?
by TanyaSmileTanya
id: 10035696
18 Apr 2017
Historically, the man was the head of the family, the earner, who went to hunt mammoths, get food, protect their lands, while the woman created coziness in the house, led the house staffs, raised children. Everything was clear.
by Lyudochka_85
id: 10029257
18 Apr 2017
Happy Easter! Hi, my friends!:) One of my favorite holidays is coming! This Sunday most of people in the world celebrate Easter. By the way do you know this year Catholics and Orthodox celebrate this holiday the same day – April 16th? It happens very rarely; usually Catholics celebrate firstly, a week or more, earlier before Orthodox.
by Lady From Milan
id: 10036142
16 Apr 2017
How to understand that you love a person? I think this comes suddenly.
by SweetKitti
id: 10029016
14 Apr 2017
How a person should look like? Here with such words I will start my blog today.
id: 33650
14 Apr 2017
More and more I notice such a tendency that in modern relations the first steps began to be made not by men (as is often said in romantic stories and others like it), but by girls. Why is it so?
by SugarSkin
id: 10035862
14 Apr 2017
Choice is the final action of the decision-making process. Our whole life is shrouded in them. Today we choose which shirt, trousers or dress to put on work, meet with friends, where to have breakfast, drink tea or coffee, which road to use to go to work, not to get caught in a cork, with which petrol fill in a car, how to spend an evening; and tomorrow we сhoose between the answers "Yes" or "No" to the question of a loved one: "Will you become my wife?" Before such a choice it is not necessary to rush.
by Evgesha-Love
id: 10035691
14 Apr 2017
Beautiful and bright holiday is waiting for us)) This is Easter)) How I love this holiday))
by Fire_Angel
id: 10024767
14 Apr 2017
Soon we're going to celebrate Easter, so I wish you to find your bunny with a basket of Easter eggs! Do you want to know more about Ukraine?
by Your happiness
id: 10031330
14 Apr 2017
I'm very pleased you decided to read my blog! I believe that there is MY man. Strong and brave. Somewhere there among those who read it!
by FairQueen
id: 10034852
14 Apr 2017
Everyone who seeks the truth! In our life there are a lot of questions about this.
by PurrrLove
id: 10034212
14 Apr 2017
Today I want to help men to understand women better; maybe my thoughts will help you to make one of us happier. I believe you often face the situation when you can’t understand a woman, sometimes she has a bad mood or just keeps silence and does not want to talk to you or explain you what happened, but sometimes she just packs her clothes and goes away… have you ever had such situations in your life?
by Lady From Milan
id: 10036142
14 Apr 2017
I'm new here on this website, and this is my first blog entry. Since my interest is the study of sexology, I would like to cover in my blog the topic of a kind of sexual relations, BDSM, and how it has become so popular nowadays in everyday relationships between a man and a woman.
by Liliia
id: 10036144
14 Apr 2017
At different times, in different eras women have the same question: Who is a real genuine Man and where can you find him? Such a question often comes up in women's minds to the extent it becomes an obsession.
by Most_Wanted_Natella
id: 10036138
14 Apr 2017
I have one good friend who believes that we women try to be beautiful only in order to please others, particularly men.
by Anna Belle
id: 10036172
12 Apr 2017
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