Regular proper oral hygiene by 85-90% provide dental health. Misconception that oral hygiene is correct, if you use the best toothpaste and toothbrush bought expensive. Successful oral hygiene is only in the case when it is carried out correctly and regularly. I am a dentist. today to tell you about oral hygiene.
by Kati
id: 10034223
22 Jan 2017
Lets talk about the reasons for what is happening in the world today with the Ukrainian ladys.Firstly, our women have a problem with money. They do not have any income, being almost in financial bondage. If we take the average woman, she earns a month is very small.
by SweetJasmin
id: 10035491
21 Jan 2017
I've been thinking about it.) We confuse love and passion. Passion is part of love, maybe even a spark of love ignites this process in the other person, but it does not end there. Passion - is the only fuel consumable for love. The mistake of many people is that a passion based on absolute reciprocity is called them love. Passion and love - all the different things. I will try to explain how I understand it.))
by HoldMeTight
id: 10029872
20 Jan 2017
I keep in my head - constantly! - a lot of interesting thoughts))) Here is an example of one of them)))
by SweetKitti
id: 10029016
20 Jan 2017
Where do you usually invite a girl on a date? Cafe, cinema, walk in the park))) Maybe it's time to change something ???
by SweetAn
id: 10032514
20 Jan 2017
My dream is to travel together. And what do you think ? Travel better one or a couple?
by Darina27
id: 10034193
18 Jan 2017
Many guys eternally are interested in the question, how it can happen that easily and without any problems?! Heh, big big trouble - to meet a girl, and make her immediately like you, and, what is more, build further relationships.
by PurrrLove
id: 10034212
18 Jan 2017
Hey, it's Dasha Max on air, so let's go right now! There is a preconceived notion that dancing go-go - it is easy, and that the dancers themselves are only girls of easy virtue, who did not find something more worthy in their lives. Happily people who thinks so do not hear what we think of them)
by Rosexy
id: 10034771
18 Jan 2017
If two people live in different parts of the world - really they are doomed to eternal conversation and just dream about each other?
by Black_Swan
id: 10021294
15 Jan 2017
The air is full of romance and it seems that the weather contributes to the romantic mood, and the reason for it - Feb 14 - Valentine's Day!))
by Blonde_in_Chocolate
id: 10029767
15 Jan 2017
I want to share my experience. Maybe for someone it will be news, maybe not. But I want everyone to know my story about life in Ukraine.
id: 10020628
15 Jan 2017
In our time its difficult but precious - to find real Love, to find NATURAL love, so natural as my big... eyes! Do you think, this is possible? Do you look for natural love here?
by VeryBigEyes
id: 10034123
15 Jan 2017
Probably today I want to answer the principal question (my vision). Why do I want marrying a foreigner?
by SweetJasmin
id: 10035491
11 Jan 2017
New Year is special time of year, time to reflect what was good in life and what held you back. To focus on what you can change in yourself, because we can not change others, we can only change the way we react to others. How?
id: 10027815
09 Jan 2017
They say diamonds are the best girls friends... But for my opinione a sincerely love is the only biggets treasure in a world! What I want?
id: 10030130
09 Jan 2017
About feelings, about love which we can create here, about the possibilities of this place and about distrust which makes me feel really bad sometimes
by MagicNastya
id: 10034096
09 Jan 2017
Knock knock! I know what you think about when you see a blonde writing about something fast & furious))) about famous movies, about sex (good or not -everyone decide for himself lol))) But no, I am way higher than this and I want to talk about other passion that brings delight and happiness - FOOD! Even though I am skinny, I love to eat)) surprised?)
by BestDeal_4U
id: 10020607
06 Jan 2017
Hiyyyaaa & Welcome to my blog. im Dar'ya and my last name isn't Shakespeare :)) Actually its my first try to write something here. I dont consider myself as a person who has a pure talent of writing but im tired of writing down only food-lists for my mommy :) So today you are welcome to read something more than a list which usually looks like
by WhoWannaBeHappy
id: 10034328
05 Jan 2017
I want to share with you that I have an amazing friend – Siberian Husky, whose name is Orson. He is more than a friend. He is a part of my family and I can’t imagine my life without him.
by Fluent In English
id: 10027190
05 Jan 2017
Hello to everyone! I think the topic, connected with children is not easy for people, especially for those who are single parents and for those, who don’t have any kids. For the first category of people it is difficult to admit that it is not an easy job to bring up a child being alone. For the second category of people, the reasons of not having kids may be different, starting with inability to have them or with a lack of desire to have them.
by SEXXX_Euphoria
id: 10033274
05 Jan 2017
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