How do men choose a partner of life and heart in 21 century? Everyone looking for beautiful body like Miss Univerce, smart brains like Nobel laureate, with own stable income like a strong ambitious businesslady that afraides of nothing earning money 24/7 and in the same time she must be female, tender, defenseless, fragile...
id: 10027815
08 Feb 2017
Do you feel yourself in your own skin? Do you eat normally? Does your pulse beat faster? If so, I congratulate you! You fall in love! We are doing silly things when we fall in love. Fall in love - it's like to plunge into another world. In which the most stupid ideas seem normal.
id: 14445
08 Feb 2017
21st century, we all have internet access and can write to another country in a single-click ease. We write hundreds of letters every week, month to our friends, our beloved, our family…
id: 10035061
08 Feb 2017
Hi gentlemen!!! It’s Alena writing to you. I am worried about the tendency of modern world, maybe after reading about my worries some of you will change your mind about something, some will try to make amends if they need to, some will support my point of view.
by AngelQueen
id: 10016380
07 Feb 2017
Good time of the day to everybody, no matter where, at what part of the world you are at this very moment while reading it. As a bright representative of those people who do not remember life without Internet, I want to talk about this specific subject. Is it good or bad for people?
by Delicious
id: 10032076
06 Feb 2017
You probably will think that I am weird that I am telling you about stop looking, stop searching for your love if you really want to find it?!?
id: 19300
06 Feb 2017
Hello dear readers, I am happy to join you today with my blog. I was thinking about the subject I could discuss here and found out that interested in this one: Does life continue after death?
id: 10029334
06 Feb 2017
How many of you ever asked yourself: Do I live the life I want? Is it the really the life I want to live? Does the quality of my life bring me real pleasure?
by BrightHelen
id: 10022139
06 Feb 2017
Dear Sirs, I have a question for you. You are as residents of this site have seen a lot of ladies. The variety of ladies here can impress any person but what is most important to you? What kind of a lady you are looking for?
by Fondness
id: 10024941
06 Feb 2017
All looking for love, and they all want to be liked ... But unfortunately, many people do not lonely because they have never loved and never been happy. They just could not hold each other.
by Black_Swan
id: 10021294
06 Feb 2017
As you know in modern time all spaces of the universe captured new technologies. People think its made our lives easier ( and in some ways it's true ) but we have become addicted! Do you want to sit here to the end ?
by Lips_With_Vanilla_Taste
id: 10014447
03 Feb 2017
Hope you all doing well and reading these lines in a great mood and high spirits. I decided to join to this blog because I have had a conversation with one of my friends and think that I need to discuss it with you dear readers. We were sitting in the kitchen, drinking tea and my friend said: “There is no romance and passion between us anymore. It was so great when we were dating, now we are living like roommates”.
by Love&Passion
id: 10028826
03 Feb 2017
Hi dear users of the site! I am very glad that you are reading my blog at the moment) It won’t be long and it won’t be philosophical, not this time. I have decided to write about for me, really popular theme…so, Let’s start
by Flawless
id: 10034705
03 Feb 2017
This blog is not for youngsters at their 30’s, I am writing it for more mature men and women. I heard one recent news report that 40 % of online daters today are over the age of 50.
by Here4U
id: 10021957
03 Feb 2017
What is one of the most effective ways to change your own behaviour and habits? Doing things backwards. What do I mean? If you start to smile – even if you force it – you soon feel happy, like you actually want to smile. It’s kind of strange but it sure does work.
by Annusualgirl
id: 10018134
03 Feb 2017
If you are curious why I am writing about this problem exactly, I can tell that I faced personally with it. I sincerely hope that my blog will be useful for ladies who are young but already want to find love here, or for ladies who just don’t know what to do in order to attract man’s attention.
by Passionfruit
id: 10025231
31 Jan 2017
Now sex is no surprise! Unfortunately sex has lost all moral values! Do you think so too? I would like an old-fashion romance be in vogue again: innocent kisses in the park, long conversations in the entrance with hugs and gentle morning sms! Do you want the same things with me?
by Milk-&-Honey
id: 10024950
30 Jan 2017
Every person wants to be happy! I think each of us thought about what happiness is. And answers can be different here. Why? Because for some, happiness is to fall in love and have amazing sex and relationships. For others - to look perfect and make money and be popular and admired. By the way, what is happiness for you?
by Milk-&-Honey
id: 10024950
30 Jan 2017
This post isn't going to be a list of facts, experinced during the life or some kind of tips collection from a woman, which have already been married for a couple times, but a set of thoughts and assumptions of a woman, who is really going to find a soulmate for life and marriage.
id: 35359
25 Jan 2017
As we already know, FB is not only a website where you can make new acquaintances, but a place where you can find your true love and maybe get married in future. But marriage is not a game. To create a strong family, you should know some basic things at least so you don't get disappointed in future.
by BlueBlondie
id: 10035271
25 Jan 2017
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