Letting go is painful and difficult, but it needs to be done»: how to survive infidelity
id: 10045771
19 Apr 2021
The best vacation with a soulmate.
by Winchester🔫
id: 10045664
19 Apr 2021
We can do it together only.
id: 10045681
19 Apr 2021
I bet none of the men would have guessed this ..
id: 10043422
19 Apr 2021
Many of us have had to change the office to a remote job and there is less mobility with that, which is a wake-up call that it's time to watch your day and activity.
id: 10044452
19 Apr 2021
What is romance to me? Many people attribute words, things and deeds to romance, for me romance is always a feeling that you and a person close to you experience.
id: 10043712
19 Apr 2021
Most women are looking for men to spend every day with. But is a man ready to spend these days with you? Would he have wanted to spend such a momentous day with me?
id: 10043485
19 Apr 2021
I am not the kind of person who believes in mysticism and secret signs, but I believe in astrology! And for people who also trust their fate to the stars, I decided to write this text!
by Eat❣️me
id: 10047506
19 Apr 2021
is this the kind of time you like to spend with me?would you do something special for me?
by Ms.Insta❣️
id: 10043217
19 Apr 2021
Are you ready for me to be your queen?I'll make you my king!!!
by Tanya_peach
id: 10043858
19 Apr 2021
In this text you will find practical advice on how to win the heart of your beloved woman, even if you are far from each other!
id: 10047498
19 Apr 2021
A modern woman is to be various, but always be herself! Being a woman is an art, and being a beautiful woman is a talent!
by Miss_GLAMOR
id: 10045780
19 Apr 2021
It is said that the average man thinks about sex every 52 seconds. Other theories even claim that there are only three seconds between one and the next erotic thought of man. Yet another theory holds that it is more realistic for men to think about sex 80 times a day.
by TooSexyToTeach
id: 10035045
18 Apr 2021
One answer is obvious - the ability to bear and give birth to a new person, that is, the ability to be a mother. But after all, many women can give birth, but not everyone is feminine at the same time. At the same time, there are women who have not become mothers, but very feminine. What is the secret, then?
id: 10046530
18 Apr 2021
In my blog, I want to share my thoughts. I touch on the problem of every person who has to go to their happiness
by ✨KISS✨
id: 10045914
18 Apr 2021
Who doesn't like to unwrap presents and shout with happiness? Especially if that's what you wanted. And even from a loved one!
by ⭐️ALLURE☆
id: 10044831
18 Apr 2021
Our Universe is fraught with many secrets that humanity has not yet learned. And scientists all over the world are trying to unravel these mysteries.
by LadyArtemis
id: 10045116
18 Apr 2021
es, more beautiful. On this occasion, dozens of experiments were carried out, and they all showed the same result.
by LadyArtemis
id: 10045116
18 Apr 2021
I really want to live up to the time when people will not judge other people by their appearance, hanging labels "beautiful - ugly", based on ordinary fashion.
by Kit Kate Cat
id: 10042295
17 Apr 2021
Until now, in our society there is an opinion that a beautiful woman cannot be smart, and, as it were, she does not really need intelligence if she has long legs, silky hair, big eyes and parameters 90-60-90.
by Мistress🔥
id: 10043518
17 Apr 2021
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