Everyone needs a person
id: 10046623
12 Apr 2021
Instructions for the education of boys and girls.
id: 10043703
12 Apr 2021
It is difficult to find someone who is serious and wants to build true love together.
by Eat❣️me
id: 10047506
12 Apr 2021
Waking up to the hot breath of a cat or the furious barking of a dog is not the best night entertainment.
id: 10045667
12 Apr 2021
Trust in a distance, trust despite the obstacles
by Cleopatraa
id: 10039979
12 Apr 2021
How is Easter going in your country? What are your traditions? An interesting survey for everyone.
by Maria✨
id: 10044485
12 Apr 2021
Love is the highest happiness, which gives you strength and stimulus to life. Once you have met the girl of your dreams and experienced tender feelings for her, you will want to open up to your beloved, to share the most intimate things with her, right?
id: 10046107
12 Apr 2021
Sunset at sea is the most beautiful sunset on the entire planet.
id: 10043772
12 Apr 2021
Do not sit still, let's give ourselves up to our feelings and forget all the problems.
id: 10043453
12 Apr 2021
have you ever felt that you are appreciated by absolutely everyone!
by Ms.Insta❣️
id: 10043217
12 Apr 2021
I still want to have love and relationship but can I have this without new children?
id: 10043422
12 Apr 2021
Are you ready to become open?
by Winchester🔫
id: 10045664
12 Apr 2021
My history of dating this site and why I love it so much!
by ⭐️ALLURE☆
id: 10044831
12 Apr 2021
There are no exceptions - of course, this fear of rejection has its roots in childhood. If the child grew up in a family where they were punished with sudden silence and ignorance when they wanted to achieve a certain behavior.
id: 10046748
11 Apr 2021
Open your heart and soul to meet bright and pure feelings! Trust the universe, your happiness and well-being are very important to it, and give yourself up to chance. You are already on a dating site and if it seems to you that I am the right fit for you, then I am, it's time to check how perfect we are !!!!
by Sexy LAWYER
id: 10047577
11 Apr 2021
Relationships, tested by distance and time - for some it is a month, for others years - are doomed to either burn out like a candle or grow stronger like cement.
id: 10046478
11 Apr 2021
There is temporary, there is eternal. It is not always easy to recognize, because the mind stubbornly clings to the thought embedded in it since antiquity: "Everything passes."
id: 10046240
11 Apr 2021
It seems to me that you need to be careful with a person. It doesn't matter at all whether he is small or an adult, a big celebrity or a simple passer-by.
id: 10046632
11 Apr 2021
The spirit and soul of a person are eternal in comparison with the body and it is about them that a person needs to take care of first of all, and then about the body.
by Kit Kate Cat
id: 10042295
10 Apr 2021
An important topic in everyone's life
id: 10043703
10 Apr 2021
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