Easter crafts and decor for your own hands!!!
id: 10046107
29 Mar 2021
Love is a mysterious force that fills us with energy, forcing us to experience vivid emotions
id: 10044828
29 Mar 2021
This is undoubtedly difficult, but very possible. And most importantly, it is beautiful and touching
by ⭐️ALLURE☆
id: 10044831
29 Mar 2021
How can the people of the Earth understand each other? International languages can help us, which allow all of us to communicate with each other, regardless of nationality and place of residence.
by Yulliannochka
id: 10045119
28 Mar 2021
We can easily identify the taste of food. We usually use four basic flavors to describe it - sweet, sour, salty, and bitter. But there is the concept of Umami. and what does it taste like?
by Yulliannochka
id: 10045119
28 Mar 2021
When you hold a person only by the hand, and you feel his heart, love speaks in you. To love with all your heart is a normal state. Love shows a person how he should be.
by Miss🔥Fame
id: 10035441
28 Mar 2021
To equate all men with the same size is rash, stupid and ridiculous. Every woman, like every man, subconsciously chooses the type that is closest in appearance / spirit / interests. And if there is an increased craving for adventurism or creativity, then it is unlikely that a woman will consider the candidacy of a "home" boy, and vice versa.
id: 10046240
26 Mar 2021
Very often, a person who is usually called his own is presented with some kind of extra tasks and requirements. He simply has to be a telepathic and read not only your thoughts, but even decipher the beat of your heart
id: 10041142
26 Mar 2021
A person communicates with people who are close to him in character, hobbies, tastes, interests, but not all of these acquaintances can be called friends, a friend is something more
by Yulliannochka
id: 10045119
26 Mar 2021
Naturally, the Black Widow drew attention to the spider, the female of this spider, after fulfilling her "conjugal duty", eats the male. How do you like this story?
id: 10046478
26 Mar 2021
Everything around is shouting: "Live interestingly! I came home from work at ten in the evening - go on a paraglider and fly. Draw a picture. Hand-made there some mastery. Ride a bicycle.
id: 10043632
26 Mar 2021
Why eye contact is so powerful? Because its rare and priceless work of art?
by Yulliannochka
id: 10045119
26 Mar 2021
Well here I am writing an article on this blog, so I welcome you, my name is Yulia. Like many others I am here, so maybe I am not the only one who is so unaccustomed to express my thoughts. I'm used to just thinking, thinking about a lot of things, sometimes writing things down, but certainly not sharing it all with others.
by 👑Goddess👑
id: 10046965
26 Mar 2021
Let's be honest - a person does care who makes him or her happy. Rather, he is trying to do it. It is impossible to buy a human heart
id: 10046240
25 Mar 2021
Now in the age of technocracy and universal accessibility, it is difficult to surprise a woman with something. Earlier, perhaps, it was simpler and easier ... And not because women were different - they always remained and remain the same - with their "cockroaches" and weaknesses ...
by Kit Kate Cat
id: 10042295
25 Mar 2021
"It's expensive to start a relationship with a woman" - I hear a similar phrase more and more often - "for bed, there is the Internet at hand, and you can cook borscht yourself" ...
id: 10046820
25 Mar 2021
The easiest way to understand a man is to look at his woman. The woman he chose, whom he achieved and with whom he lives. Everything else is not important, the woman who is next to the man is important.
id: 10046478
25 Mar 2021
Do you like to dance? I think that the ability to dance is inherent in every person, but not everyone develops this ability in themselves.
id: 10043632
25 Mar 2021
Marriage, relationships, love are not only passion, these are the right words. And very often life proves that in marriage, not passion is the main thing, but the right words! A marriage can exist without romance or even passion, but harsh, painful words will very quickly destroy it.
by HoneyBunnnny
id: 10038279
25 Mar 2021
From early childhood, I have an irresistible craving for the living, and especially for plants. I liked growing everything from early childhood. I planted everything that I found in my mother's box with seeds. And she had a lot of seeds! This love came out of nowhere, I just liked the fact that I had some kind of plant living in a small pot.
id: 10043632
24 Mar 2021
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