A man, cheating his wife, is looking for a new one. A woman, if she decides to commit adultery, is looking for the best. Cheating for a person is often as traumatic as the death of a spouse. Sometimes it can be more painful. Because after the death of a loved one, there are at least memories, and after betrayal?
by X_Tigress_X
id: 10025000
12 Apr 2017
It is not a secret, that there are two types of communication, verbal and non-verbal... So, now I would like to investigate mysteries if non-verbak communication, and especially, what is the gestural language of men...
id: 35866
11 Apr 2017
It's really wrong point of view, that all men can't love!!!They can do many many things, but man's attitude to love is rather different than woman's.
by WinMyHeart
id: 10030622
11 Apr 2017
For everyone love is something special. Some people love games, writing , painting. But here , we are looking for a partner. It is really hard to find, but we are all trying.
by SweetestKate
id: 10035273
09 Apr 2017
Most of the time at the beginning of a relationship, people are good at sharing, talking and trying to get to know each other. They are good at offering acceptance and approval. Hopefully the faces they choose to share with each other accurately represent who they are.
id: 35376
09 Apr 2017
There are usually two types of movies: amusing movies and serious ones. The amusing movies have the power to make people laugh, while the serious ones urge people to think.
by Wonder_Ilona
id: 10036063
09 Apr 2017
You do not need to drink coffee, draw and talk on your mobile phone. You do not need to think that if you are lucky once, then you are immortal)))) I can say it confidently, as a doctor !! How many accidents I've seen !!! And how then people and relatives regretted these actions!
by +++LOVE LAB+++
id: 10022910
08 Apr 2017
Hello to all the readers of my blog. This is my first blog entry and I'll be glad if you read it:) .... and comment of course: I have heard it since my childhood: "Men are drawn to inaccessible and frivolous women."
by Jane_Barber
id: 10036173
08 Apr 2017
From the first line of Ray Charles’ widely known song we hear ‘You give your hand to me, and then you say hello, but you don’t know me’.
id: 35359
08 Apr 2017
Perhaps the beginning is rather sad, but I want to talk not about fairy tales, not about fictional stories and not even about feelings, but about people. About who they can be and how they can behave. Why do we get offended and disappointed in someone ... Why ??
id: 14445
08 Apr 2017
The subject of love is one inspiring poets, writers and artists; those who were lucky in love and those who were passed over by Cupid…Love has been defined as wise, silly, profound, bitter, funny…
by TastyAnna
id: 10035293
06 Apr 2017
If you are hoping to improve your love life, it may be wise to develop artistic features.The more creative a person is, the more sexual partners they are likely to have.Artists and poets had an average of four to 10 sexual partners, compared to three for non-creative types.
by Miss🔥Fame
id: 10035441
06 Apr 2017
Let's be sincere about our wishes :) you know my wishes often can be crazy and unusual. i don't like to hide my emothions or feelings. I hate to feel that life is just passing by...
by Sweet_kitty25
id: 10035203
06 Apr 2017
Life is about happiness and if you're happy in life it makes everything easier to deal with. I like a strong man that has input and can do what he wants in life. I am able to create for my man the best opportunities to become successful in life. I would like to feed him in bed from my hands by tasty fruites till his eyes is blindfold as well as famouse "9 1/2 Weeks" scene on the map with this unforgettably enticing scene.
id: 10027815
06 Apr 2017
Some women do not want to take steps towards the man and wait only for steps from men. But it's not right. Why women do not learn English if they want to find their love on the international website. It seems to me that this is the main indicator of the seriousness of a woman if she begins to learn English. Or I'm wrong?
id: 10027311
03 Apr 2017
Hello, everyone! To tell the truth I can't stop to ask myself the question that bothers me already pretty long time while I'm using this site!! Why some men like to complex everything in their life??
by believe_me
id: 10022454
31 Mar 2017
If you want to find the lady who speaks your language, is not speak you should search her at your country!!!!!
by X_Tigress_X
id: 10025000
29 Mar 2017
We all mature people here so the topic of intimacy must be natural when it comes to communication between man and woman online. How would you learn the sexuality of your future partner online?
by Angel_Sofi
id: 10035023
28 Mar 2017
Online dating is almost the same as real dating, categories but gives more options. But just as in life here you can meet so many different people to discover and learn! I know dividing categories is not very polite thing, but sometimes it could be useful and interesting)
by Kate_Star
id: 10023315
28 Mar 2017
Have you ever heard about experiments with Pavlov dogs? Anytime you may read more about it in internet , but I'll open just the main sense ...So, this scientist discovered such phenomenon like conditioned reflexes with a help of dog...And before this day, I don't even know that there are sexual conditioned reflexes, and some people( especially sneaky women) use them very very skilfully.
id: 35866
27 Mar 2017
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