I have thought a lot about relationship and what does love mean now for us? What all this sites do mean for us?
by Lady_Alina
id: 10033165
22 Mar 2017
Just a step to make and I will not believe in real men! In men with manners, in men with a big heart…
by GingerSpice
id: 10035188
22 Mar 2017
You know that now in Ukraine and Russia economy is bad. And that means many people, including single women can only dream about wealthy life or at least life without debts.
by Sweet_kitty25
id: 10035203
22 Mar 2017
How to start the search right?I think most of the members got frustrated about this question,so am i..
by TenderKate
id: 10035994
17 Mar 2017
Tell me please, what is male beauty? Beautiful hair or a nice suit? A pleasant cologne or being always shaved? Is it it?
by GentleAngell
id: 10035524
17 Mar 2017
Why do girls want to get married? It is logical that a free life is easier, but that's just probably inner need of the girls to race faster home from work, start to cook a delicious meal that would treat the beloved husband, and give him all the attention and care. And the thing is not in the love itself, the truth is much deeper)
by HoldMeTight
id: 10029872
17 Mar 2017
In general, all this is debatable, since there's no such thing in life as "should". Life is one, and each of us lives it as he wants. Someone "burns" the life, and someone achieves a lot. Nevertheless, here are some points that are very desirable to implement during their men's lives.
by ChocolatY
id: 10035096
17 Mar 2017
Love languages. Gift giving, quality time, words of affirmation, acts of service (devotion), and physical touch
by Bella_Oksi
id: 10035865
17 Mar 2017
Every bird likes its own nest. There is no place like home
by Sweetest Lips
id: 10023558
17 Mar 2017
Waves whisper you about their life. Can you hear it with your heart?
by Blossom_Butt
id: 10035849
17 Mar 2017
Questions that can change your outlook on life. How to find answer? Some deep thoughts before falling asleep
by Super_Love!
id: 10035597
17 Mar 2017
New day – new chance to change life. My step to a new and different life… new life, new habits, lifestyle
by Katty_Kiss
id: 10034457
17 Mar 2017
Formula of love. Apple of discord or just unsolved question of all centuries?
by Soft_Leksi
id: 10034551
17 Mar 2017
Chance to find one’s second part. As for me, love and friendship can be helpful elixir. For me it is very interesting to get to know your opinion
by Best_Lana
id: 10035167
17 Mar 2017
I am writing with best greetings from wonder country Ukraine! And want to touch to the most popular topic here - relations between man and woman.
by Lips_With_Vanilla_Taste
id: 10014447
17 Mar 2017
I have celebrated my 30 years old anniversary and I was never married. Yes, it is me. And yes, it is true. Now you will think…
by Vickilove
id: 10032769
15 Mar 2017
Very often in communication with a man, we meet a situation where he brings up a child alone. We used to see single mother because they should give birth and bring up children. But single fathers are puzzling, they really deserve attention and respect.
by Blonde_in_Chocolate
id: 10029767
15 Mar 2017
"You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed" - the saying that I follow in my life and call other people to support it.
id: 10030130
13 Mar 2017
Woman is very special magic creature...let`s say that not always we know what we want and not always we know where we go)))
id: 17876
13 Mar 2017
Secrets of our souls. Do you have your own secrets or fears? What about find out that together?
by Real_Sexy_Dream
id: 10034913
13 Mar 2017
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