Hello everybody who is reading my blog right now!) First of all, I would like to thank you for your attention and I hope that you will be interested in reading. You know, my blog is unique and it will be good both for women and men.
by Flawless
id: 10034705
02 Mar 2017
Should the girl make the first step and write a letter first?
by LadyButterfly
id: 10035017
01 Mar 2017
How to follow your heart and chose the job you really like.
by Your_Soulmate_Anna
id: 10035717
27 Feb 2017
This is a post about influence of gadgets and internet on our life.
id: 10022320
26 Feb 2017
Quiet February evening... And you know what make girls like me, at this time? No, probably you do not know... ;) Okay, joke-joke! This is an excellent time in order to make a little weekend and movie marathon.
by Rosexy
id: 10034771
20 Feb 2017
Ah! Winter, winter, winter .... I strongly want heat and sunny mood)) And, to be honest, I want a vacation!
by SweetAn
id: 10032514
20 Feb 2017
It is not a secret that our life is very diverse and whole of our world is incredibly amazing! Methinks that it is necessary to give a chance to the universe to show us our entire width of the opportunities. In our time everyone have this opportunity to meet their partner even if thousands of kilometers separate you.
by Evgesha-Love
id: 10035691
20 Feb 2017
Comfortable room, light fixture, a hot cup of tea, a comfortable chair and a whole world in a single device is in the front of me. I love weekends, especially evening, when you can just sit and listen to relaxing music, close your eyes and imagine what is waiting for me to come. Despite the past, remembering the disappointment and sadness that I went through, I do not feel defeated and depressed, but on the contrary, I can say that I'm happy. I have to admit that somewhere in the depths of my soul, I am grateful to life, that such sad experience was in my life. He made me who I am today!. No, I have not lost the ability to love and trust, but I realized that love without respect does not make sense, and trust must be mutual.
by Lyudochka_85
id: 10029257
19 Feb 2017
Romance and weather… Is it connected? Or a little story about Poltava’s Winterfell
by NataLady-S
id: 10030746
19 Feb 2017
You know what a real man should do for his life? I do not know in your country have such a thing or not)) But here considered that are real man should do 3 things))
by SweetKitti
id: 10029016
19 Feb 2017
If you want to have a perfect love then create it by yourself! Don’t wait when it will find you!
by _Your_Astasiya_
id: 10023407
18 Feb 2017
We all love thing that can be applied not only to food,but to many personal events.Since it's still February and Valentine's Day is coming soon,we need a good recipe for this event! But what is that recipe about?
by Aromatic_Rose
id: 10029503
10 Feb 2017
Here I wanted to reveal the problem that always plagued me, the problem of beauty or rather what is real beauty and its’ role in relationships.
by Beautiful
id: 10023718
10 Feb 2017
This blog is about you dear gentlemen. It is very important and inevitable for all of human beings. Midlife crisis. The male midlife crisis is often made fun of, but for many men it is a distressing experience.
by Kiss&Hug
id: 10022425
10 Feb 2017
Have you ever thought about why women always want to trick the nature....or trick you? Sometimes it happens that you really like the woman and she seems perfect to you, but if you look closer.. you may notice that her lips have a little unnatural shape, she may have short hair one day and long hair another... sometimes she has figured the same as Jennifer Lopez and another time she hides her body in a loose t-shirt!
by Your happiness
id: 10031330
09 Feb 2017
Hello everyone here! I wanted so much to make a post to this blog but never decided to do that! Anyway, I did that! The main reason? Of course future Valentine's Day!
id: 10020505
09 Feb 2017
The theories and stories of creating our Universe are very variable. Every person will find acceptable variant. Scientists have 3 more popular theories: Big Bang Theory, Theological Theory and UFO theory, which is the most interesting for me.
by Surprise
id: 10034755
09 Feb 2017
I hope you will not only read my blog and will add something to it. I hope you going to enjoy reading and waiting impatiently for your remarks and comments. So, I was thinking about this subject very long time! Thought about all cons and pros….and here is my list)))
by Spark
id: 10034754
09 Feb 2017
I would like to say hello to everyone who is reading my blog right now)) This is my first time here. You can laugh but I am feeling a bit excited..maybe my blog won’t be so good..maybe it won’t open America))
by Ginny
id: 10023207
09 Feb 2017
That is just an imagine story but all of us is deserve to be loved and I if you have already found you lady, keep your happiness!
by Blonde_in_Chocolate
id: 10029767
08 Feb 2017
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